Tuesday, January 5, 2010


it has been so effing long since i updated my blog. well, as u can c, there's not really any interesting to look at. what more to read about. if there was an award for most inactive blogger, i would've dominate all the big awards. haha.

well, what ever happened in 2009 will always stay in my memory for ever. i hope. (that is if my short term memory problem doesn't came back..lol)

anyhow, 2010 is just okay for me. there were superb things happened, and then there were those which i-wish-to-forget memoirs. on new year's eve, what i did was...well, nothing. went online for hours...then slept for two years. like seriously. i dozed off at 11.30pm on 31st December '09 till 9.30am on the 1st January 2010. well that means i slept from 2009 till 2010 ryte? hahah. okay that was not funny. lame-o. haha.

fyi guys, i'm not that much of a blogger. yes, i can never stop talking but writing is just so not me. i don't know why. it just so happened that my mouth works better than my fingers. okay, that doesn't sound right. haha. anyways, i love reading other people's blogs. i just don't get it how they can get so creative and came up with such interesting things to write. things to talk about. things that made their readers wanting to read more and more. i wish i could do such things. owh, i can do that, but it all needs discipline and that is THE THING that i'm lack of. okay, now i get it. to be all disciplined is so not my thing. haha. well, its not like my everyday-story is boring. i always have interesting thing to tell. but i'd rather say it out loud than writing it down. to me, it just doesn't feel right. it felt like the readers might not get the whole picture of what my story is all about. i'm a man of expressions. that's why some of my friends called me drama king or "JG" a.k.a jantan gedik. hahhaha. wait, is this interesting or what? hahah. (i am so not complimenting my own blog) LOL.

hmm, i guess that's all for now...till then, ciao~


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