Monday, May 10, 2010

Here I am.

I fee like its been years since i last post anything. Well writing is not exactly my thing. LOL. Anyway, there were so many things happened throughout my disappearance. Some are good and some are slightly horrendous. All in all, its apart of me and I thank god for the chance to go through such life. Well, at least I'll be more prepared for such incidents in the future.

Will be writing more soon. Adios Amigos!

Monday, March 1, 2010


Pernah jua aku nyatakan di ruang karya seni aku, "Gelagat manusia itu lucu, bisa berubah mengikut waktu". Maksudku mudah. Bukanlah tatkala waktu itu berubah, Sang Insan berubah. Namun, dengan perubahan masa itu, manusia bisa bertukar darinya yang dulu seorang yang ceria kepada seorang insan yang sering gundah gulana. Mengertikah manusia ini yang sebenarnya dunia ini bukanlah hanya didiami kau sahaja. Sahabat rakan dan juga teman, pendengar setia peneman bicara. Apa semua itu hanya kata-kata?

Karya tak seberapa ini bukanlah bertujuan merungsingkan fikiran mahupun mengguris hati sesiapa. Namun, tujuanku, inginku, hendakku menyedarkan Kau manusia bahawa dunia tak sentiasa indah...tapi mengapa sering kau lihat ketidak indahan itu? Mengapa kau fokus, tenung, asyik memikirkan nasib dengan kecelakaan yang menimpa. 

Aku juga manusia biasa. Aku bernafas seperti kamu, bukan dengan kulit mahupun insang. Hidung ini lah yang membantuku menyedut udara kotor, berhabuk tetapi bertujuan membuat paru-paruku berfungsi membekalkan oksigen untuk tubuhku. Tapi, pemikiranku agak lain. Aku melihat sesuatu mungkin dari sudut yang kadang Kau tak sedar akan kewujudannya. Kata orang barat, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Ada hikmahnya sesuatu itu berlaku. Dan ketika Kau memutuskan bahawa dunia xlagi menyiksakan, maka dengan itu kehidupan kau kan lebih bahgia, mulia dan penuh bermakna.

Aku dikejutkan pemikiranku. Lamunan aku dihentikan dengan karya seorang teman, teman yang istimewa bagiku. katanya, "Manusia diciptakan dengan berbagai-bagai rupa dan character...Tetapi disebabkan character setiap seorang itu berbeza dan mungkin begitu complicated untuk memahami jiwa raga orang yang berkenaan, membuatkan pihak yang satu lagi ini terasa. ...Bukan tidak cuba untuk memahami. Bukan tidak memberi ruang....Bukan mementingkan si abu daripada si ali. Bukan tidak cuba bergelak ketawa. Bukan itu. Bukan ini. Tetapi itulah yang disebutkan perangai seseorang kadang-kadang boleh membuatkan hati-hati kecil insan yang bernama manusia hancur" Membaca karya tersebut, aku setuju. benar manusia ini berbeza. Dan perbezaan itulah yang menjadikan kehidupan ini indah. Bayangkan betapa bosan dan monotonousnya kehidupan tanpa kacau bilau. Tanpa cerita untu dikongsi, atau masalah untuk diselesaikan. Maka tak perlulah wujudnya  Sherlock Holmes, Paparazzi, United Nations atau ruangan berita tergempar. 

Bukan. Aku bukan mentayakan perkara sia-sia. Aku bukan merepek. Cuma, aku mengatakan dengan cara yang lain. Lihatlah dunia dari sudut yang positif. Be a positive thinker. Mungkin kau tak mampu menerimanya sekarang, namun tatkala dunia mula meletakkan kau didalam sebuah balang kaca yang sekilingnya dinyalakan api kemarahan, yang ditepinya dipenuhkan dengan  semua perkara yang kau benci, berhentilah seketika. Tenangkan fikiran...fikirkanlah sejenak. Apa yang kau rasa? Apa? Apa? Benar, Sekurang-kurangnya, kau di dalam balang kaca itu. As much as you hate to be in that jar, be grateful enough that you are not out there. Having to be around the things that make you even more uncomfortable. Be An Optimist! Enjoy life but live life accordingly...

before i go on crapping about more things. I might as well just stop and end it with the quote i love..."You are what you think you are and you are The Person who will get you kill or be killed."


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Words..My words

it started when you have nothing to say,
and i'll be the one who starts it all,
but when u wanted me to stay, 
i know i wont experience The Fall.

sometimes they would just blurted out,
and you know i didnt mean a thing, 
but you're still mad of what its about,
cause to you its really one BIG thing.

for all those tears i made you cry,
are the sins i cant never deny, 
for this i promise i will try, 
to be the best till the day i die.

for many things that i have done,
never i asked for anything, 
for all those words that are said and done, 
means a lot to me..means everything.

i thank you my love for being there, 
when there are things i just couldn't bear, 
i thank you again for always care,
to hear my whines when life's unfair.

for quite sometimes i've been with you, 
never did i felt so in love,
for now i know its you and only you, 
that'll always forever be my love.


Thursday, January 28, 2010


malasnye lah nk berblogging. its not like anyone follow this blog of mine. identity? lets not talk about that. sme org dok sebok ckp, blog yang menarik ade identitty sendiri. some may put pictures to tell the stories of their lives. so may put short novels to show off their talents. and some may just blab about almost everything to express their feelings from day to day. as for me? i write when i feel like writing.

masalahnye, knp orang blogging? knape org menulis setiap hari? kenapa orang ade je bende nk update? well, kalau the blog is about things that matter to everyone; politic, gossips, or current issue, then aku paham la jugak...then again, sme itu hak masing2 n i have no righhts to offend anyone. *kau xske blogging org kne suffer the consequences lah?* o_O

hmm, tapi to be honest, i like reading other people's blog. some of those i've read really got me reading the whole post...even of those that are way months back. how did this whole blogging trend come about? not that i want to explore or anything, but just being curious here. question, its already asked; answers, yet to be given. till then...ciao!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Going Up?

the experience was superb! it was super awesome if i might say. despite the fact that my whole body is literally aching right now, i enjoyed every moments of it. although  Ayie and i were firtstimers, we really did learn fast and start climbing like a pro. well, not really but almost there tho. hahhah. here are some pictures of my greatest experience ever which is currently being my new addiction in life. 

*thanx to my Love a.k.a Liyana Adib for the great pix~

Monday, January 18, 2010

Language yg Rusak~

jatuh bangun itu biasa.
sakit hati itu berbisa.
jangan kau bertindak mengikut rasa,
orang kata nanti binasa.

fair is a word for the optimists,
who see the world with a clearer view,
no one could change the things in your life,
no one, no man except you.

manusia itu sering terlupa.
manusia itu sering tertanya.
tapi mengapa kita terlupa?
itulah ketika kita bertanya.

i say i would have it all.
a courage to achieve the greatest of all.
but we will not always stand so tall.
cause one day we will feel the fall.

gelagat manusia itu lucu.
mampu berubah mengikut waktu.
mengapa kita tak tetap menjadi satu?
atau kita memang begitu?

i see, i saw what i have seen.
the world i live is full on sins.
to change the thing of what its been,
like taking an old man back to his teens.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Twenty-2gether with them~

15th day of the first month of a year after 1987 marked a very important day to Mohd Harith and Ruzita. A small young baby boy was born. well, that was 22 years back. now, despite all the things this son of the two happy couple went through, he'll just keep on working his way up to the tip of the highest goal in his life.

turning 22 for me is so not like every other birthdays. its like having someone whispers in your ears, telling you that you're no longer a boy but a young man. starting from that moment on, i felt like there will be a tremendous responsibilities waiting for me. never was i scared but rather worried. although i've been telling people, 22 is just 21 plus 1, but FYI u guys, it so does not work that way. hahaha. then again, the honor of getting my parents to trust me and all is just great. i don't know for what specific reasons but, all this while, i have been "kept" at home. coming back late was a big No-No..but now, slowly, they finally realized that, i am no longer their small young kid. i'm old enough to even get married..but...that will not be this soon though. hahha. honestly, i'm out of, writing won't really help. i think i'd better stop before turning this post into the worst post in blogging history. LOL!

here are some photos with those VIPs (very important people) in my life. i dedicate this post to all of u guys..thanks a lot for the so called birthday celebration. haha. but seriously, thanks a lot u guys~

to liyana: i've loved you once, i'v loved you twice,
things are just sarting to get nice.
but i hope this is how our stories will end,
will forever love u my love, my soulmate and my bestfriend!
to hakim: thanks for being such a great're always
be the brother i've never had..and i love you for that.
to ayie: going through so many things with a buddy like you have really made me such a mature person (well in the inside dt is..LOL).
to elvie: i wish the relationship between my bro and you will stay strong
and we'll always be the best of friend.
to nanaS: we've been friends, duet partners, parted and now back again being friends. i wish, that will just be the end of it...friends for life babe~
to fyqa: although you weren't there, but somehow you're still always with us dear..

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


it has been so effing long since i updated my blog. well, as u can c, there's not really any interesting to look at. what more to read about. if there was an award for most inactive blogger, i would've dominate all the big awards. haha.

well, what ever happened in 2009 will always stay in my memory for ever. i hope. (that is if my short term memory problem doesn't came

anyhow, 2010 is just okay for me. there were superb things happened, and then there were those which i-wish-to-forget memoirs. on new year's eve, what i did was...well, nothing. went online for hours...then slept for two years. like seriously. i dozed off at 11.30pm on 31st December '09 till 9.30am on the 1st January 2010. well that means i slept from 2009 till 2010 ryte? hahah. okay that was not funny. lame-o. haha.

fyi guys, i'm not that much of a blogger. yes, i can never stop talking but writing is just so not me. i don't know why. it just so happened that my mouth works better than my fingers. okay, that doesn't sound right. haha. anyways, i love reading other people's blogs. i just don't get it how they can get so creative and came up with such interesting things to write. things to talk about. things that made their readers wanting to read more and more. i wish i could do such things. owh, i can do that, but it all needs discipline and that is THE THING that i'm lack of. okay, now i get it. to be all disciplined is so not my thing. haha. well, its not like my everyday-story is boring. i always have interesting thing to tell. but i'd rather say it out loud than writing it down. to me, it just doesn't feel right. it felt like the readers might not get the whole picture of what my story is all about. i'm a man of expressions. that's why some of my friends called me drama king or "JG" a.k.a jantan gedik. hahhaha. wait, is this interesting or what? hahah. (i am so not complimenting my own blog) LOL.

hmm, i guess that's all for now...till then, ciao~
